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The first edition of the BBA - Brazilian International Beer Awards will be held in Bahia. It is an international competition with the seal of approval of the CBC - Brazilian Beer Competition and is also a member of the IBCF - International Federation of Brewing Competitions.

First Brazilian International Beer Competition with the IBCF approval


Brazil on the global beer competition scene

The BBA - Brazilian International Beer Awards was born with the mission of inserting Brazil definitively into the global scene of beer competitions. This prestigious event aims to foster the national and international beer market by recognizing and rewarding the best beers in the world.

By bringing together experts, producers and beer lovers, the BBA seeks to celebrate the diversity and quality of beer production, consolidating Brazil as a relevant and innovative hub in the world of craft beer.


From same organizers of CBC - Brazilian Beer Competition

The BBA - Brazilian International Beer Awards is organized by a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive knowledge of the market and experience in beer competitions around the world.



Registration period

From August 26 to October 20, 2024

Receipt of samples

From October 7 to November 8, 2024

Judge's Tasting

From November 12 to 13, 2024


November 15, 2024

Entry fee

25 dollars per sample


Bahia Beer Festival

The BBA will take place alongside the Bahia Beer program in Alagoinhas, Bahia, Brazil. The event has a full program, including a festival with lots of music, a technical congress and other attractions that will move the beer capital of Bahia in November. 

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